Audiovisual documents

Adapter les systèmes et les pratiques en fonction du niveau de restauration des sols [Adapting systems and practices according to the level of soil restoration]

Paysage in Marciac, by Olivier Husson, 2022, in French

Potentiel RedOx et santé de plantes [RedOx potential and plant health]

Journée technique maraîchage et arboriculture, by Olivier Husson, January 2020, in French

Carbone et fertilisation des plantes [Carbon and plant fertilisation]

Why is it necessary to concentrate carbon in the soil?, by Olivier Husson, November 2019, in French

Principles of Conservation Agriculture

From "Plantez couvert ! 1", in English

Agroécologie - SCV et mécanisation [Agroecology - Conservation Agriculture and mechanisation]

From "Plantez-couvert 1", in French

Plantez couvert 2 [Plant under cover]

Trailer "Plantez couvert 2", in French

Réduction de l'utilisation des pesticides en culture cotonnière (IPM) [Reducing the use of pesticides in cotton growing]

In French

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Insectes utiles en culture cotonnière [ Beneficial insects in cotton growing]

In French

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Un talent, un métier : Thierry Brévault

In French

L'UPR Aïda en 4 minutes

In French

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