Rencontres Francophones Légumineuses: innovating for plant proteins

The fourth edition of these Meetings was organised for the first time on the African continent. It is a unique meeting place for all those involved in the development, production and research of legume crops.

The RFL4 were held from 22 to 24 January 2024, in Dakar-Saly, Senegal. They were organized by CIRAD, INRAE, Terres Inovia and Terres Univia, this year with the support of the Institut Sénégalais de Recherches Agricoles (ISRA) and the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD).

The RFLs focus on all legume crops, whether adapted to temperate or tropical climates: seed legumes, fodder legumes and wood legumes, with a specific emphasis on tropical legumes to boost food security. Tropical legumes have a key role to play in meeting the challenge of increasing demand for protein as a result of Africa's fast-growing population.

The RFLs also aim to strengthen exchanges between the various stakeholders to support innovation and the sustainable development of legume crops in agricultural systems and food chains.

  1. The role of legume crops in protein sovereignty in Africa and Europe: What are the issues? What are the differences? How do they complement each other?
  2. The food transition with legume crops: What is the current momentum? How can we encourage it and promote sustainable food systems of high nutritional quality?
  3. Diversity of legume crops in production systems: genetic resources? What cultivation methods are appropriate? What ecosystem services are produced?
  4. Collective organisation of legume crops: What forms of organisation? What obstacles need to be overcome? What opportunities are there?

For more information on the event:
AIDA unit presented its work on legume crops with its partners in Burkina Faso, Benin and Senegal, as part of several projects: LegAE, ProPulse, 3F.
Three oral presentations:

  • Diversification, par les légumineuses, des systèmes de culture à base de sorgho pour les conditions Soudano-sahéliennes : cas d’études au Burkina Faso, L.-M. Raboin, J. Dusserre, N. Ouedraogo, R. Kaboré, J. Batieno
  • Les légumineuses à graines dans les exploitations agricoles au Bénin A. M. L. Faïhun, L. B. Ranaivoson, A. Kouevi, G. Maboudou-Alidou, A. Coulibaly, L. M. Tossa
  • L’association céréale-légumineuse pour stabiliser les rendements dans les régions tropicales : évaluation du modèle STICS pour simuler des associations bi-spécifiques, M. De Freitas, A. Couëdel, G. Falconnier, M. Christina, A. Balde, F. Affholder, A. Traoré, A. Ganeme, M. Adam, Y. Senghor, S. Sow, E. Juste

One poster:

  • Perception des services rendus par les légumineuses et leur influence sur les décisions de production et de consommation des ménages agricoles au Burkina Faso; T. Bourdier, A. D’Anfray, J. Lairez, E. Sawadogo Compaoré, D. Mantonma Bâ

Published: 09/02/2024