Poste de post-doctorant / ingénieur de recherche d'un an INRAe-Cirad

Modélisation de la dynamique du C et du N du sol dans les systèmes de culture tropicaux afin d'explorer les options d'atténuation du changement climatique

We are looking for a young researcher for a one-year postdoctoral or research engineer position. The candidate will work on improving the understanding of carbon sequestration in tropical cropping systems and explore the impact of alternative crop management on climate change mitigation. The candidate will carry out modelling studies on plant growth, soil C and N dynamics for tropical cropping systems and will be hosted by the Research Group AIDA (“Agro-ecology and Sustainable Intensification of Annual Crops”) at CIRAD in Montpellier. This work will contribute to the scientific outputs of the DSCATT project (Agricultural Intensification and Soil Carbon Sequestration in Tropical and Temperate Farming Systems) (

Publiée : 06/09/2021